Brain Boosting Out Of The Box
This resource makes the process of learning more effective and fun. It is designed to involve children in understanding and controlling their own learning, equipping them with the necessary skills to love learning.One of the key elements in brain boosting is to encourage learners to see themselves as a_ctive participants in a positive learning process. The colour coded cards are presented in sections which give:-¨ background information on how the brain works, ¨ suggestions for preparing a whole school approach to brain boosting ¨ a practical approach to creating a learning cycle for maximising effective teaching and learning (working smarter not harder)¨ suggestions for Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic approaches to teaching and learning¨ activities to strengthen left brain and right brain connections ¨ ‘Brain Boost’ activities to increase receptivity to learning ¨ practical activities to make the memory work more effectively
Cream cards— Introduction - Background information about the brain and preparing the way for a whole school approach to
brain boosting.
Blue cards— The Process of Learning — A cycle for maximising effective teaching and learning
Gold cards—- VAK + Visual Auditory and Kinaesthetic learning and activities to strengthen left brain/right brain connections
Green cards— Brain Boost activities— Exercises for the brain in preparation for learning or relaxation between activities
Red cards— Strategies for embedding learning— Mind maps, memory expanders.
Cream cards— Introduction - Background information about the brain and preparing the way for a whole school approach to
brain boosting.
Blue cards— The Process of Learning — A cycle for maximising effective teaching and learning
Gold cards—- VAK + Visual Auditory and Kinaesthetic learning and activities to strengthen left brain/right brain connections
Green cards— Brain Boost activities— Exercises for the brain in preparation for learning or relaxation between activities
Red cards— Strategies for embedding learning— Mind maps, memory expanders.